Hail to the Jef

September 19, 2010/0/0
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A few posts ago, I waxed lyrical on the merits of good writing.  Ever since we decided to open up our knowledge-base via the Healing Blade wiki, we’ve been searching for a talented writer to take on the task of breathing life into the warriors and creatures of the realm of Soma.

A friend of a friend (Eric Chow stand up and take a bow) linked the following article to me via fb.  Skeptical at first, I decided to give it a gander.  Awesome fusion of realworld immunology with the allure of old world mafia, circa 1930?  Check.  Tight, dynamic writing? Check.  Before I knew it, I was done with the article, wanting more.

And as the fates would have it, the article had been published by none other than ‘The Scientist” magazine, which had done a story about NCL only some weeks back.  Tracking down the author should be easy, right?  Not so much.  Our modern day Oracle at the Delphi, Google, lead me to a number of stories, but no contact details.  Thankfully, I was able to contact the writer who had worked with us on the ‘Playing Doctor’ piece who agreed to let this ‘Jef’ know that we were hoping to speak with him.  I say him in jest as it was only after a bit of searching that if became apparent on a Twitter profile that Jef was in fact short for ‘Jennifer’.

Our two pronged attack (an inmail via LinkedIn and reaching out to a colleague) seemed to do the trick.  July 16th, the world of Soma brightened, and contact was made. Stay persistant, kids, is the moral of this story.  After settling down and having numerous discussions on vision, metaphorical learning, the budget constraints of a startup and how the eff to post on wiki (an ongoing learning process), the position of HealingBlade Lead Creative/Science Fusion Ecrivan was born.  Oh happy day!

I’ll let the results speak for themselves.

Welcome aboard, Jef, if that is your real name.
